Cyber Investigation Unit within CYBER ZONES will investigate threat events detected in client environments, deliver high quality reports, support client’s teams on remote sites, working closely with their own security incident management elements and support the delivery of long-term cyber investigation projects, both on site and remotely. Where necessary, we may also deploy to client sites to undertake cyber related investigations.
Identify, investigate, and respond to cybercrimes and security incidents, This unit plays a critical role in safeguarding digital assets, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory standards, and preventing or mitigating harm from cyber threats.
A proactive manner aiming to prevent, identify, and mitigate cyber threats before they cause significant damage. The goal of proactive cyber forensics is to reduce the likelihood of cyber incidents, minimize the impact of potential attacks, and help organizations strengthen their overall cybersecurity posture
Traditional forensic investigations, which focus on gathering and analyzing evidence after an incident occurs.
Comprehensive evaluation to determine if it has been compromised by malicious actors, The goal of a compromise assessment is to identify any signs of an ongoing or past security breach.
Analyzing the contents of a computer's Random Access Memory (RAM) to gather evidence or information that can be used in digital investigations, particularly in cases involving cybercrime or security breaches.
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